Friday, July 23, 2010

How to Save Your Marriage with Common Sense Action

Why do marriages have troubles? What a crazy question. You know you were happy before the vows so what happened. Do you treat each other differently now than you did before the marriage? Would you like to know how to save your marriage with common sense action? OK, let's get started.

Why do marriages have troubles? Well, let's see…the list could go on for eternity but here are a few items that are common answers when this question is asked. Will start with the tough one, there are affairs, then the lies, or possibly you just get bored with each other, and there are always the natural changes a person will go through with age that just makes them less attractive. All of the previously listed are items that you will find yourself dealing with when you decide that you need to know how to save your marriage.

Just remember that forgiveness is a common sense tool that can save a lot of pain. If there is no willingness to forgive then there can be no willingness to try to understand your situation. Without forgiveness there can only be unrest and even hatred. This is poison for your mind and soul. So do not go down this dark side of your emotional well being. In some cases you will require third party help to resolve your challenge such as if an affair has occurred. Don't be afraid to get marriage counseling in this case. Your marriage is worth you putting your all into saving even after such a breach of trust. Save your marriage at all cost.

Enough said about a serious breach of trust and a little information about personal space. It is true that doing the things you did together before you were married can bring the romance back into your relationship. However, sometimes it is wise to remember that you both had more time apart also. If you can give and receive some personal time away from each other, when needed, you may find that that time lends to the old adage "absence makes the heart grow founder". I am not suggesting this be taken to extreme but just when you or your partner need some "me time".

It is equally important that the spouse being excluded for this short period be willing to except this time out. Don't make the other feel guilty.
So how can you save your marriage with common sense action? Here is:

  1. Love each other not someone else. Don't cheat. Don't lie
  2. Always be willing to be the one to understand and forgive
  3. Understand the need for "me time"
  4. Listen to each other "communicate" daily
Never forget the love that shows in your eyes when you gaze at your spouse and you will not have to worry about, "How to save my marriage with common sense actions".

I hope you get the most helpful answers for you and your spouse. No one wants a bad break up. It just hurts too many people in and around the couples involved. Seek the advice of experts and take the advice of loved ones and friends with a "grain of salt" Read more in-depth advice on the subject of "Save Your Marriage", from experts, with "The Magic of Making Up".

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