Friday, July 30, 2010

What can save your marriage when everything seems impossible?

In today's world there are so many factors that tend to threaten the institution of marriage. Maintaining a relationship sometimes seems impossible. Marriage has been considered the foundation of a civilized society and successful family living for thousands of years. Even with that said, we know that marriages have difficulties caused by the stress of raising of children, financial decisions, emotional concerns, extra marital affairs and the changing roles of men and women in the world as it is today. In today's society more emphasis has to be put on saving your marriage than ever before.

So, taking all the above into consideration, where do you go for good advice if you are trying to save your marriage? This can be a tough question to answer depending on the individual's belief systems.

Marriage itself is an institution of great emotion and compromise. Sometimes an individual has to change, or at least compromise, in order to appreciate their partner's role in their marriage. This can be a difficult concept.

When seeking help it may be best to look in the direction of an organization that places great importance in marriage. Yes, the organization to look at for help is the one that places the most value on marriage, the church. The type of counseling they can offer is called pastoral counseling. Pastoral counseling will concentrate on the couple's relationship. Bringing the couple closer together will become the main goal. This goal excludes cases of extreme abuse in the relationship. Pastoral counselors hold to the belief that vows are taken forever.

In contrast to the pastoral counselor, a clinical psychologist or family therapist will take a different approach. They focus on the individual. It is a known fact that marriage or family counselors may not have the educational background needed to deal with couple's therapy. They may only have a class or an elective in their educational background specifically dealing with couple's therapy. This does not sound like the best source to save your marriage. You will need to be brought closer as a couple not just treated for psychopathologies as individuals.

Even if you have a problem finding a pastoral counselor due to religious or church affiliations you can find this type of help. You can call various churches to find schedules for marriage retreats and weekend marriage seminars. You will, in this way, make contact with a pastoral counselor and possibly make arrangements for follow up meetings in the future.

There is nothing easy about marriage. Of course it will sometimes feel impossible. Do not give up. Your marriage is worth saving. Remember seeking help from a pastoral pastor can save your marriage.

I hope you get the most helpful answers for you and your spouse. No one wants a bad break up. It just hurts too many people in and around the couples involved. Seek the advice of experts and take the advice of loved ones and friends with a "grain of salt" Read more in-depth advice on the subject of "Save Your Marriage", from experts, from "The Magic of Making Up".

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