Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Marriage Troubles Is Saving The Marriage the Answer?

Are you having marriage troubles and asking is saving the marriage the answer. You may be at the end of your rope with your significant other but you don't know if giving up is the answer. Perhaps you have tried to express your frustration to him or her and they just don't seem to see the situations as you do. It is possible they are purposely avoiding coming around to your point of view. However, you know that they are going to have to come to terms with the marriage troubles and decide is saving the marriage the answer eventually.

Here is an idea just for you.  Stop focusing on changing the other person. Maybe you will have to be the better person and make some changes that you can live with. I read an article where a quote was used concerning change by example and it is a good one: Gandhi said "your must be the change you wish to see." Think about it perhaps a change on your part will help change your marriage troubles.
Can people change? The answer is yes, but they have to want to change. It is a fact that no one will change just because you want them to. You only have control over change in your own behavior. So make some changes that can help save your marriage. By making these changes you can lead by example and your spouse will notice. If he of she had any doubt that you are sincere in your efforts to solve the marriage troubles this should put an end to that.

You can't expect a miracle, remember it take two to make things work. Don't become a slave to your spouse keep your integrity but make the strongest effort you can to save the marriage. Be patient and work at it, lead by example and keep the faith. Remember if you truly want to solve your marriage troubles and find out "is saving the marriage the answer" it all begins with you.

I hope you get the most helpful answers for you and your spouse. No one wants a bad break up. It just hurts too many people in and around the couples involved. Seek the advice of experts and take the advice of loved ones and friends with a "grain of salt" Read more in-depth advice on the subject of "Saving the Marriage", from experts, with "The Magic of Making Up".

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